Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Still chugging along. :)

This picture is actually from Monday night, but for some reason I didn't get around to posting until today.

Due to some heroic knitting efforts, I finished the Ribbi Cardi sleeve caps on Sunday. This probably had a great deal to do with the fact that I'd confided in my DH that since I'd gotten so little knitting in on the sweater since Thanksgiving, I figured it wouldn't be done in time, but that I wasn't willing to tell everyone else to go to hell so I could work on the sweater. Apparently, my DH took that as a licence to tell me to go knit so he could create havoc elsewhere. :) Monday at SnB I cast on for the front panels, and you can see my Monday progress sitting on my needle. I worked on the front panels more last night, but I don't have a current picture of that yet... maybe tonight. :) Counting short row shaping, I'm at 7 out of 26 inches on the front. My DH actually asked me why I wasn't knitting at one point last night. Sometimes he amazes me.

In knitting and gauge news, I don't seem to be rowing out too badly in the sections that are plain stockinette. I'm really hoping this continues as the weight of the project grows. I hate rowing out. I also seem to be bang on gauge of 4.5st/inch. *crosses fingers* I really hope this continues. In other technical details I made the sleeves in the biggest size with an extra k2p2 for width out of Wool of the Andes in Charcoal. It took me six balls to knit them both at the same time, but at the end of the sleeve caps I think I have two half-balls left. This is handy because I'm thinking of making the collar black, but for all you crazy kids who are thinking of using this yarn to make the Ribbi Cardi in the largest sleeve size, you'll definitely want six. :)

I got some great advice from the LJ community called Advanced_Knit about putting short rows into my sweater so that it will fit better around the boobular area. Right now these people are my heroes. :) While my mother is a C cup and not a D, the advice is still very pertinent. :)

Good luck with all the Christmas knitting out there! I have to poke the centrifuge again. :) Maybe another post tomorrow.

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